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  1. To interact with this website you need to sign-up.
    Sign-up is easy and painless.
    You may choose to create a user name password combination or use one of the supported social media sites to sign up.

  2. Words of wisdom: "Read the privacy statement". There are no ghosts hiding in this site, but it never hurts to read it. Note that this will open in a new window/tab, so come back after you are done reading.

  3. Click link to begin sign-up.

  4. Now here are your two choices to sign-up:
    Option 1: Provide a user name, a password, and your email id, then click the continue button. Another dialog will prompt you for some more questions (name, phone address etc.), answer them and you are almost done. Last step is to click on the link e-mailed to you to verify email.

  5. Option 2: Click on one of the social media links. Authorize at your social authentication provider (note: we will not get your user name or password for the external social site). Once that is done, answer some basic questions, followed by email validation and you are ready to sign-in.

  6. Next step will talk about signing in, which you may do after signing up.

  7. Depending upon how you signed up, you may choose user name and password

  8. Or button for your social authentication provider to sign-in.

  9. If you think you forgot your password or user name try this link to reset.

  10. If things are haywire, try this link. This will remove all session cookies for the site and restart the browser(What?).